Good Afternoon!
Well, we have come to the end of an exciting week in our classroom. Your students are working hard to become a master geologist.
We continue to investigate our mock rocks in an effort to determine what minerals make up this interesting rock. We have completed our observations and recorded the characteristics of the mock rock. This included measuring diameter, circumference, and depth. Then the amateur geologists used a balance to determine the mass of their specimen. Next week we will begin the task of breaking the rock apart, separating the minerals that make up the rock, and running a series of scientific experiments. These experiments will assist the geologists in identifying the minerals that are in the mock rock.
Homework: Home School Connection #1
We will continue our study of place value up the millions. We will use addition and subtraction of large multi-digit numbers in order to practice place value identification.
We have completed our reading on the California Gold Rush. The students expressed a high level of interest in this topic. We used a globe to identify the location of the Gold Rush, and practiced a reading comprehension strategy called "Inner Voice". Next week we will use this strategy to read more stories about the Gold Rush. Additionally, we will learn two forms of poetry and teach our 2nd grade buddies about poetry. We will create acrostic poems about our late hero, Mr Nagl.
Enjoy your long weekend and I will see you all on Tuesday!
Ms. Waldack
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