Saturday, October 19, 2013

Week of October 21, 2013

What a wonderful concert!  The 4th graders did an awesome job, and how cute were they?!  This week we have several things going on.

1.  On Wednesday, October 23, 2013 is a LATE START
2.  It is Red Ribbon Week.  Check your child's backpack to see each day's event.  If for some reason you do not have it, let me know and I can send another copy home

Social Studies
This week we will be conducting research on the different aspects that make the Midwest a region.  The students will then present their findings to the class and become the teacher!

Our focus this week will be on discovering what theme is.  Additionally, we will produce our first expository 5 paragraph essay.  This is a difficult process, but I am confident that the students will do a great job.  Our spelling homework will look a little different.  It will be a tic-tac-toe assignment.  They will need to select 3 of the activities on the game board and complete them by Thursday.  We will test on Unit 4 words on Friday and I am going to try the computer test again.  I feel that the more practice we have with this format, the better the students will get.

We will continue our study of place value, rounding, inequalities, and multiples of 10.  The problem of week will be due Friday and I am encouraging the students to focus on their written response.  Remember, the correct answer is great, but a thorough explanation is equally important.

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